Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Hey Everyone,

So if you haven't heard yet I am home. Yes the rumors are true. Here is the story.. I got sick, mom and dad got worried about the flu thing, they called told me to come home and here I am. I definately want to go back and so now I am looking for a job and saving my money. I miss everyone and everything so much! God blessed me with 38 wonderful kids to work with and so many amazing people to work with, I truely couldn't have asked for better people to work for and work with. Thank you so so so much for all of your support. I appreciate it so much. I'm not sure when I will be able to go back, whenever I get enough money. I really feel God calling my heart there, so for now I will just pray for provision and that he will provide. Thank you all so much again from the bottom of my heart!

Muneca Lis

Friday, April 3, 2009


Wow its been awhile! A lot has happened in the two weeks I haven't blogged. The water situation is still pretty much the same but now Carlos and the workers are bringing the water more often. Thank God! We were suppose to have running water two weeks ago but it never came through. Apparently we were going to get running water through the neighbor, everyone was so excited! I was a little hesistant because I knew what had gone on in the past but I was trusting God. Well I woke up that morning and the kids were all telling me how we had running water. I was really impressed. It was odd though because during the day no one used the faucets or the showers. I got really curious towards the end of the day so I turned the knob on the faucet but nothing came out. I haven't heard anything else since.

That same week Monica came to visit me!! I was so excited. I could hardly stand the car ride to the airport and it was a long car ride. The week went by so fast with her here and I didn't want her to go home but I knew she had too. During her stay here a lot of things happened. We got a new bus for the orphanage. Well its really like a 15 passanger van but we call it a bus. Its really nice to have because not only do they take the kids to school but it helps us go to the market and other places we need to go. No more waiting for 3 hours for someone to pick us up at the market! Praise God! Also we got 5 new little girls, all siblings. Thats right I said 5! Dunia who is 9, Kelin who is 7, Catalina who is 6, Gisell who is 3 and Nohelia who is 2. They were/still are all sick. Josue, Monica and I went to get them for the child services here. The lady just informed me that they were all sick, had lice and had a little brother somewhere but they weren't sure. Well last week we found their little brother, who is 8 months old, and he is now living with us. Also during Monica's visit Teresita and Henises got very very sick and were in the hospital. One day poor Teresita had to get at least 6 injections and she is only a year old. My little girl Henises had some new kind of sickness that was really serious and had to stay in the hospital for about a week. She is doing a lot better now though, Praise God!

I've come up with a list that I want to share with you all..

Top Ten Things Said in a House With 35 Kids..

10. Give it back/Stop it!
9. Kids!
8. He/She is hitting me!
7. Look at what he/she is doing
6. I didn't do it!
5. Stop crying
4. I want water
3. Liar/Lies
2. I love you!
1. Mommy Reyna!!!

A lot of times its really crazy, hectic, insane, whinney, tiring, stressful and so much more to live in a house with 35 kids. The house is always full with fighting, crying, bruises, bleeding, whinning and tons more. But at the end of the day I wouldn't trade it for the world. God has blessed me with 35 kids that I get to hug and love everyday. And even if I get stressed out or mad I always have a least two waiting to hug me, sit on my lap or tell me they love me. Its well worth it!

Once again thank you everyone for your support and helping me stay down here, whether its just prayers, money support or encouraging post or emails I'm thankful for it all! I love you all and miss you so much! I love the kids a lot and there are a lot of them but even sometime they can't fill the void in my heart for you guys!!

All my blessings and love!




Friday, March 13, 2009

Once again I'm sorry for not writing in a really long time. I was going to blog last week but Christina's computer didn't get the internet so I didn't want to have to make her wait. Anyways lifes been full of a lot of ups and downs.

Lets start off with the water situation, that's right we still have one. One week the guys will be really good about bringing water like last week they were really good about it. But then there are weeks like this week were we pretty much have to keep calling and calling and calling to get water. The kids still have the sores on their bodies. It's getting ready bad. The three two year old boys we had to pretty much shave their heads so we could clean their sores better. Then Teresa the second littlest baby they pretty much shaved her head too. She has the worst sores, they are all over her head and all over her body. I feel so bad for her and the rest of the kids too. Cindy Paola gets them the worst of the older kids. Both of her hands are just covered with these pussy sores. She can never seem to get rid of them, she always at least has three or four.

Also with the water situation they are complications with getting a well started. I guess earlier the workers had come to work on it and some guys with knives came and scared the workers away. A couple weeks ago Renya and Ana had to go testify about what had happened in court and Delcy had called a bunch of news crews and things. I wish I could have gone to see what happened. After that some police came to ask more questions later that week. Then today I guy from a newspaper came and Delcy told him about the situtation and he took pictures of the kids and stuff. She is really doing a lot to get water but I just don't like anything is working. We need a lot of prayer so please please please pray!

Other than that I have been teaching the kids english. It's really fun. We have the little kids class (the five to about eight year olds) at around 3 o'clock to 4 o'clock and then the older kids from 4 til 5. So far we have learned the parts of your face; nose, eyes, mouth, ears and face, fingers, feel, right and left. They are all doing really great with everything. They'll will always run up to me and tell me what something is during the day. Also during the day I just try to get them to practice so the other day during lunch we had a little "class session" and they were all excited about it. A couple days ago we started to learn large, medium and small. These are a little harder so it might take a while.

Christina (the other American) went back to the United States on monday and a new worker started. Her name is Maria and she is going to work tuesday through sunday at the foundation. She is also staying over night on saturdays and sundays. So only I'm the only American here but its not really that much different.

Thats about all the news I have for right now. Just please be praying for the water situation to get resolved. Also another prayers are greatly recieved!

Thanks for everyones prayers and comments too, its means a lot to me to get on here and know that I'm not just writing this for nothing. As always I love and miss you guys dearly! I can't wait to come home and see you all!

With all my love,



Friday, February 20, 2009

Let me just start off by saying how sorry I am for not writing for a while. It has been absolutely crazy here! First off we don't have water. We were getting water for the neighbor but then her landlord found out that she was giving us water and so now she can't. So then Nelson (our driver) was bring us water everyday. He would go to Carlos' house and fill up this big tank a couple times a day and then fill up our big holding tanks. That would usually last us a day or so. But now Nelson doesn't work here anymore so now we don't have a way to get water. Carlos brings water but its kind of always up in the air when they will bring it because he is always pretty busy. Last friday was our last time with water that Nelson brought. We had barely enough water for saturday and we had not a drop on sunday. They didn't bring us water until late sunday night but they didn't bring enough for the kids to take showers with. So we kind of live day by day with the whole water situation. The first priority of course is all the kids, so they get to bathe first and the dishes usually get washed first.

Since we don't have water the kids are all getting these soars all over their bodies. They kind of look like pimples but only 3 times worse. They are called "Granos" here. They are bumps that are really big and pussy. We have to pop them when they get really bad and clean them out. Sorry thats kind of graphic but its true. Five year old Cindy had them really bad the other day so I had to pop them and clean them out and then put medicine on it. She was crying and Manuel had to hold her down because she didn't want to do it. I felt so bad I wanted to cry. From the soars the kids have scars all over there arms and wherever else from them. I wish there was something I could do. Before they moved out to the new home they never had these things. Its terrible.

I absolutely hate hate hate the phones here. They are pay by the minute phones. I feel like I'm always running out of minutes and needing to put new minutes on. I'm so worried about money anyways that it just adds to my stress more. You never know when you are going to run out either. You just try to send a text or make a call and it doesn't go through. I'm so worried that I'm going to be somewhere are really need my cell phone and not have minutes. Its kind of scaring. I try to save my minutes as much as possible but its hard. Like I said it always seems like I have to but more and more money into.

Twelve of the kids started school this last monday. Yani 16 & in 11th grade, Amanda 15 & in 10th, Cindy 14 & in 10th, Eva 12 & in 1st grade, Henry 12 & in 6th grade, Jason 12 & in 4th grade, Manuel 10 & in 1st grade, Vanessa 8 & in 2nd, Fernado 8 & in 2nd, Eduardo 8 & in 2nd, Moises 9 & in 1st, & finally Nancy 6 & in 1st. The ones in 1st grade it was their first time ever going to school. Here their are all different ages in each grade. You just go to school when you parents can afford to send you. All Public schools are free here but you can't go to school without a uniform. Here school is very different. The elementry school starts at 7 am and goes until 12 pm and the high goes from 12 pm to 5 pm. Well the school our kids go to. I took pictures of the kids getting ready and waiting for the bus so I will post them up here hopefully.

Some rules of the schools are; if they are late get spanked (the younger kids), they have to have their nails cut really short so they don't get dirty (pretty much so you don't see the white of the nail), they can't wear gel in their hair and the girls can't wear make up. I know there are a lot more but I don't know the rest. They all have an english class. Yani always is talking about her english class with Christina and I. Yani gets in a lot of fights with her english teacher because she knows some of the things he is saying is wrong. She will show us her homework and tell us what her teacher said and we will tell her its wrong. Then she will say that she knows and she tried to tell the teacher that but he wouldn't listen. Right now she is learning about verbs and adjectives. Her teacher was really wrong last night so we told her to tell him that she has to Americans living with her haha. So we will see what happened today when she comes home from school.

My typical day here is wake up at 7 and bathe the 9 little kids. Then I help bathe the babies and take them downstairs. Then I help get breakfast ready and serve that. Then the 9 three to five year olds have kindergarden in the morning. After that its time to help with lunch and serve that and shortly after lunch the 9 younger kids come home from school (the 6-12 year olds). They eat lunch and then their homework. Next we kind of just hang out and play or do whatever needs done until its time for me to help with supper. Around 6 or so the older girls come home from school and they eat supper and do their homework. At 7 its off to bed for everyone except the 5 oldest ones because they help with cleaning the house at night. After we finally get everyone settled down, teeth brushed, pjs on and into bed we do the nightly chores. Such as maybe hanging laundry out to dry, dishes, cleaning the living and dining room. Then its off to bed! A good nights sleep is definately needed after a long hard day of work! Then its up for another adventureous day with the kids. After Christina (the other American here) leaves I will have to get up at 5 am to get the younger kids off the school.

So thats my life right now. Its has long days, tiring night and early morning but I wouldn't trade it for the world! I hope next time I will get to write a new blog sooner, once again sorry about the wait!

i love you all and miss you all soo much! I think of you all everyday and the kids always ask when the other Americans are coming.





Tomorrow is Fernado's birthday and he will be 9. I'm excited because it will be my first birthday of the kids' that I get to celebrate!

Friday, January 30, 2009

So I'm going to say sorry in advance because I might say some stuff in spanish. Its hard to talk english when all I do is talk spanish, so if I do i'm sorry.

Anyways nothing is really new. Oh we handed out the presents to all the kids and it was great. They all loved their presents. Unfortunately a lot of the toys were broken by the end of the day or when we went back to see them the next day. But they were ok with it. The kids are doing great!! I'm so happy I'm back with them. Eduardo told me last night that he was a Chocolatino, and I told him he was MY chocolatino and he said YESS! Luis likes to play tricks on the kids when we arrive at the orphanage, telling them I didn't come that its just him and they will all get super super sad and then I come out of the van and they are scream and run to the gate.

Besides that nothing has really happened, just hanging out with all the kids and stuff is pretty much it. Mom and I went back to the flower shop that she made arrangements for last year for the banquet and of course they recognized us. They told us that I always had a home there with them and they want me to spend sundays with their family and want me to go to their daughters dance recital. So I'm excited for that and I know it makes mom feel better too know they will look out for me as well as everyone else. So that is it for now. I'll catch up with you guys more later. Thanks for your prayers and support once again it means a lot.

Until next time, keep spreading love.

xo love,
la muneca.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Back Again!

Hey Guys!
So I'm finally back in Honduras after a much anticipated trip. It seems like a never left, I love it!! So lets start with the beginning of this adventure.

Well we went to the airport and were checking our bags when the clerk today us you could only have 2 checked bags each, well we had 7 totally. My and I were like oh my gosh, they told us we could have up to 8! So the clerks started checking and they told us we could take them. We had known we would have to pay about $400 for all of the extra luggage, but they didn't charge us! I couldn't believe that! Needless to say that started everything off amazingly! Next we were a little worried after we flew into Honduras if we would have one of the drivers we had last time but we didn't. But it worked out once again amazingly because Luis is great and we love him.

After he picked us up we went to the hotel and then to the orphanage. I was a little nervous wondering if the kids would recognize/remember me or not. So we got out of the van and started walking up to the orphanage (it was dark out, it was about 8 o'clock) and all of a sudden I hear LA MUNECA, LA MUNECA! It was Henry and soon followed by all the other kids. We went inside the gate and they all swarmed me like bees to honey. Each of them yelling LA MUNECA and fighting their way to give me a hug and a kiss. The were all dancing around kind of like ring around the rosie, it was so cute and I almost started crying.

Then we went back to the hotel and I hung out in the lobby while mom was using the computer. While I was sitting there a guy came in and asked if I had been here last year and I said yes. Then he said he remembered me and I told him I remembered him from before too. Earlier that day too the clerk Linder at the hotel said he remembered me as well. And we went to Wendy's too and they workers there remembered me too lol. So that was Sunday.

Monday we went to the orphanage and they were going on a picnik so we went with and it was tons of fun! Then we just hung out at the hotel and with Luis. So thats it for now, continue reading for more adventures of la muneca. I will try to post as much as possible.

love xoxo,


Thursday, January 1, 2009

measure your year in love.

With today being the official first day of the new year I thought it would be a perfect time to watch one of my favorite movies, Rent. It is a great movie to watch anytime but I especially love to watch it during this time of the year. You are probably thinking why or what does this have to do with Honduras, well let me explain.

Simply stated I love how it is based on love. Whether it is about giving love or accepting it, its there. Now I am in no way saying I agree with their morals or all their beliefs in life, lets just get that straight right now.

The first time I watched this movie was a couple years ago and after I watched it I was hooked but for different reasons than I have now. Back then I thought this is a great movie, its such a good love story and plot. Well sitting here tonight I have a totally different thought about it. The main emphasis in this movie like I said before is love and this is where it plays into Honduras. You see in Honduras they are very loving. It doesn't matter if they just met you two minutes ago or have known you their whole lifes. Everyone I met and saw was showing so much love to either each other or to myself and the others on the trip. But then just like in the movie there are parts where love isn't shown so much and that's where I want to come in at (for Honduras of course).
I want to be the one that wakes up each morning and gives every kid a hug and tells them they are important. So many kids over there don't even get that once a week, a month or even a year. I want to show each one so much love and not only to the kids in the orphanage but to any other kid I can find.

So starting this year, especially in Honduras, I'm going to measure my life in love. Love is love, it doesn't matter where you came from, who you are, what you do, what language you speak or how old you are. Any person is capable of giving love and being loved. Love is a language that is often times forgotten, it should be spoken and practiced worldwide. It isn't hard at all, someone once said, "kindness is love with its work boots on," and I definately agree with that.
So my challenge to you for this year is see if you can measure your year in love. Practice makes perfect you guys. It doesn't have to be some big extravagant after school program, it can simply be by just truely asking someone how they are, or helping someone. Love isn't always this big complicated force that people have made it out to be these days. So just start with a little love this year, please.